Restoring land
We support farmers to restore fertility and biodiversity to barren slashed-and-burned areas.

Transforming lives
500+ farming families have adopted our revolutionary agroforestry method; protecting rainforest for food security and prosperity.

Saving rainforests
By avoiding slash and burn and planting thousands of trees, we conserve and rebuild rainforest for generations to come.

Hectares planted

tons of CO2 sequestered

Families supported
Think like a rainforest
Watch our video

From barren lands to flourishing rainforest
Slash and burn farming is rapidly destroying the world’s remaining rainforests and sending vast amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Yet for more than 250 million farmers across the world, it is the only way they can survive.
Through implementing our revolutionary Alley Cropping methods – developed over 20 years at Cambridge University – we can change this.
We teach farmers research-led agroforestry, enabling them to feed their families and improve their livelihoods, whilst keeping the rainforest and its rich biodiversity intact. Support us by donating today.