Category: NewsFeed



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Date for the Diary

For any of you in or around London who haven’t yet seen Up In Smoke (the award-winning film following the origins of the Inga Foundation) it’s being shown along with animal rights film, Cages...

Money may not grow on trees, but chocolate does and can make a good amount of money too. Don Jesus Maria, shown here with his 600 cacao seedlings, is one of number of farmers...

Planting Inga Reduces Risk of Landslips

Once cleared of trees, these steeply sloping fields are highly vulnerable to landslips. After the heavy storms of the last few weeks, the landscape is littered with scenes like this. In contrast, with Inga...

We gathered together representatives from most of the families in San Rafael village on Monday to lend a hand in pruning the first Inga plot to be ready so that the community could see...

Work is going well on the first new building at our Project Center – a toilet and shower block. The aim is to build the facilities to hold courses at our Project Center with...

A sustainable source of firewood right on your doorstep – definitely a good reason to be cheerful and local farmer Don Castulo certainly was today, as he pruned his Inga alleys for the first...

Reaching San Rafael, the most isolated community we work in, requires 5 rivers crossings, of which this is just the first. Hence why there are no other charities prepared to make the journey. However,...

Cocoa seedlings soaking up the morning sun in our tree nursery – Not only does growing Cocoa provide farmers with much needed cash income, but its also good for protecting the soil and preventing...